Official Sites!
(Bodies & Registers)
• The Charity Commission
• Scottish Charity Regulator
• The Charity Comm. N.Ireland
• The Financial Services Authority
• HM Revenue & Customs
Microsoft donate over 150 of their most popular software titles to a wide range of UK charities Donor Software Partners Their software and services protect against more risks at more points, more completely and efficiently, enabling confidence wherever information is used or stored. Prodigy Learning is exclusively responsible for managing the Adobe Certified Associate (ACA) and Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) training and certification programmes throughout the UK and Ireland.
Why not make a difference to someone today!
I.T. Maintenance

Charity Software
First Choice Computers have always supported charities and their need to reduce their I.T. spend with regards to software. We have always provided excellent work in designing and implementing Local and Wide area networks, supplying Hardware and Software and following that with an outstanding service level agreement.
Eligible UK-based charities are able to request donated technology products from partners such as Symantec and Microsoft for an administrative fee per product to cover the costs of delivering the programme. Whilst the administrative fees vary, charities will still make savings of between 92-96% on typical retail prices.
Click on Software List below.
In order to take advantage of these programmes, charities must have a valid registration number - This will be checked and used, to enable you to take advantage and receive the software or service required.
Administrative Fees
Fees ensure the continuation of this service and keep the products at their lowest possible cost.
Yes it includes Microsoft
Microsoft UK and Technology Trust have concluded an Academic Select Plus agreement which allows eligible "affiliated" UK charities* to access the best discount levels on Microsoft software.
The agreement compliments the current Microsoft Software Donation Programme for charities managed in the UK. It enables eligible charities to obtain licences and titles beyond their donation programme entitlement at substantially discounted prices.
*A charity affiliated with Technology Trust is one that has completed their registration process.
What does it mean?
Agreements with several major software providers, where charities "affiliated"* with them and also fall within the suppliers' eligibility criteria, are able to buy software - from companies including Adobe, Symantec, Citrix, and McAfee - at deeply discounted rates.
Each supplier has their own model for charities to buy software through these agreements.
First Choice Computers are registered Microsoft Partners - Call us about using Microsoft 365 in your charity - It's free, for up to one hundred users.
As a registered Google Resellers - We can also provide you will help on Google for Non-Profit.
Enclosed is a sample list of the most popular software products requested to this programme. The 'admin fee' is listed and a reference code. To get started you'll need to let us have a 'UserName' and 'Password' of your choice and a valid email address for varification.
Once varified we can start to assist you with your application.
Please read the following important pieces of information carefully:
• Registration must be completed by an employee of the registering charity. No communication will be undertaken with third parties.
• We can only accept the registered details for a charity that are published on its regulating bodies’websites (e.g. the Charity Commission of England & Wales, Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator etc.). Please check these details are correct before you begin the registration process.
• Key communications concerning registration and software licence information will be emailed to the email address published on your charity’s regulating body website. Please ensure this is correct and you have access to this email address before you begin the process.
• Any hardware will be despatched to the address published on your charity’s regulating body website. Please make sure this is correct before placing any donation request. Please also notify us if this address changes before making any donation requests.
First Choice Computers your Charity Referral Partner